La Voce di Trieste

Prosek: memorial ceremony postponed

Prosek: memorial ceremony postponed

Prosek: memorial ceremony postponed

Trieste, 20 October 2023. – Every year, movements Civiltà Mitteleuropea and Free Trieste organize a public commemoration of the bravery and suffering of the Austrian-Hungarian Fallen and fighters from Trieste and of their brother folks in the 1914-18 World War.

The ceremony takes place in November at the Austrian-Hungarian military cemetery of Prosek-Prosecco, on the Triestine Karst, with a plurilingual Christian, Jewish, and Islamic rite that renews the coexistence of the folks and faiths of the ancient, supranational Mitteleuropean Fatherland.

The organizers have decided to postpone the event of Sunday, November 14th, 2023 to prevent provocations from extremist fanatics incited by the extremely serious Palestinian-Israeli crisis caused by the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on October 7.

© 20 Ottobre 2023

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Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Trieste - n.1232, 18.1.2011
Pubblicato dall'Associazione Culturale ALI "Associazione Libera Informazione" TRIESTE C.F. 90130590327 - P.I. 01198220327
Direttore Responsabile: Paolo G. Parovel
34121 Trieste, Piazza della Borsa 7 c/o Trieste Libera
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